About Dr. P.S.Lalitha, M.V.Sc, Ph.D, M.D (M.A)
Reiki Grandmaster, specialist in drugless therapy is keen on promoting the holistic healing. After 34 years of teaching & research in Madras Veterinary College, opted for voluntary retirement to practice Reiki and Acupuncture. She has been practicing alternative medicine (since 1993), treating patients through a combination of Reiki, Pranic healing, Crystal therapy, Magnetotherapy, Acupressure and Acupuncture. She has also initiated thousands of reiki healers and is a consultant at Bharathi Raja Speciality Hospital, T.Nagar and has a clinic in Valmiki Nagar, Thiruvanmyur.
She has presented several research papers at national and international seminars and is a winner of several awards and titles like 'Master of Millennium', 'Woman of the year', 'Milestone', 'Distinguished Academician' etc. She is also the founder secretary of 'Reiki Centre of India'. She has also released a CD on chakra meditation, golden ball meditation the link between Seven Swaras in music and the Seven Chakras. She has also released a book in Tamil 'Manida Nalanil Reiki'. She is the founder of ART OF HEALING, a combination of Reiki and Acupuncture.
Dr. P.S. Lalitha - Reiki Grandmaster |
Reiki Grandmaster
M.D (M.A) – Acupuncture
M. V. Sc. (Veterinary Anatomy)
Ph.D. (Veterinary Applied Anatomy)
D.M.T (Diploma in Magneto Therapy)
Certificate in Hypnotherapy
Pranic Healer
HAN Healer
Diploma in Sujok Acupuncture
- After 34 years of teaching & research in Madras Veterinary College, opted for voluntary retirement to practice Alternative Medicine.
- As an Alternative Medical Practitioner, with the knowledge of Reiki, Pranic healing, Crystal Therapy, Magnified healing, Magneto Therapy, Acupuncture (Traditional & Sujok), I have combined spiritual healing with acupuncture points especially Sujok Acupuncture - WITHOUT DRUGS, SIDE EFFECTS AND IS COST EFFECTIVE.
- Treatment combining Reiki, Acupuncture, Magnetotherapy - Branded as "Vazha Vaikum Kalai"
- Healed several cases like Arthritis, Asthma, Blood pressure, Cervical Spondylitis, Back pain, Gastric ulcer, mental depression, Menopause problems, Sinusitis, Disc pro-lapse, Migraine, Piles & problems due to Stress/psychosomatic diseases.
- Currently Consultant at Bharathi Rajaa Speciality Hospital.
- Also teaching Reiki, Magneto Therapy, Acupressure & Crystal healing.
- Free meditation sessions to lead a stress free & healthy life.
- Presented papers on holistic, drugless therapy at conferences on Alternative Medicine.
- Released CD on the link between chakra meditation and musical notes
- Released a Tamil book on Reiki -'Manida Nalanil Reiki'
- Did a weekly programme on Jaya TV for four years spreading the message of Holistic healing explaining the disease, cause, symptoms and the cure.
- Also appeared on various TV channels to promote Reiki, Acupuncture on various TV channels - Kalaignar TV, DD Podhigai, Win TV, Sankara TV, Jaya TV, Sathyam TV, Sun TV, Thamizan TV, Shalini TV
- Articles and interviews in Times of India, Femina, Dinamani, Deccan Chronicle, The Hindu, Mylai Muthukal, Indian Express etc..
- Founder Secretary of 'Reiki Centre of India' (Regd.), an association of all Reiki channels. Formed to promote and propagate the simple divine healing system. The association now brings out a quarterly newsletter ‘Healing Hands’ which gives the members an opportunity to share their experiences and clarify their doubts
- Conduct Free healing camps at Stree Seva Mandhir, Vadapalani, Chennai, Children at Pediatric Dept of Cancer Institute, SMILE - voluntary organisation to help the underprivileged. Also do free healing camps with members of Reiki Centre of India across the city on a regular basis to help the poor.
- I also do my best to create awareness of Alternative Medicine by giving free lectures and demonstration programmes, Writing articles in mass media magazines, TV interviews and presenting papers in professional seminars/conferences.
Life member of Indian Holistic Medical Academy, Karnataka Reiki Association, Acupuncture Foundation (Sri Lanka), Indian Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Indian Association of Bio Medical Scientists.
Editorial board member of 'Holistic Mediscan'. Published by Indian Holistic Medical Academy.
- Sushrutha Award from Indian Holistic Medical Academy & a gold medal for promoting Alternative medicine.
- Master of the Millenium by Indian Holistic Medical Academy.
- Health Excellence Award – National Council of Alternative Medicine.
- Gajanan Award – Community Welfare Foundation, Sangli.
- Majesty King Buddhadasa Award - Ancient Royal order of Physicians of Sri Lanka.
- Ram Raksha Shukla Award by Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Research.
- Milestone Award - World Congress on Holistic Healing and Clinical Magnetology
- Distinguished Academician Award from Zoroastrian College, Bombay
- Vaidhya Bhushan - 13th Anniversary of Indian Holistic Medical Academy
- Michael Madhusudan Smriti Samman - Honour for the noble relations
- Honoured by AUM Medical Educational Research Foundation – Mumbai
- Dhanvanthri Award from National Institute of Clinical Magnetology
- Best Personalities of India - Friendship Forum of India
- Sri Ramadeva Award - 2010 (All India Siddha Doctors Association)
- Lioness Assembly Award - Lioness Council
- Mother Teresa Gold Medal Award - Global Economic Progress and Research Association
- King Buddhadasa Award by Ancient Royal order of Physicians
- Gem of Tamilnadu, 2014 - National Integrity and Cultural Academy
- Achievement award from Chutti TV, Sun TV network on Women’s Day
Fellow Titles
- Indian United Writers Association
- Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Research
- Indian Association of Basic Medical Scientists
- Indian Association of Veterinary Anatomists
- Association of Professional Psychologists
Achievements in Veterinary Science
- 34 years of teaching experience at Veterinary College
- Specialisation in Histology & Histo-chemistry
- Research guide for post graduate students
- First to introduce Undergraduate Research Program
Instituted Dr. P.S.Lalitha award for best undergraduate undergraduate research paper thru Indian association of Basic Medical scientists.
Awarded the Life Time Achievement Award in the 29th Annual Conference of Veterinary Anatomists at Chattisgarh by the Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry for her services to Veterinary Science.
Research Background
- Research Officer in charge of TANUVAS project – in Histology & Histo-chemistry of Intestinal Mucosa in relation to Calf hood diarrhea.
Done pioneering work on
- GALT (Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue)
- BALT (Bronchus Associated Lymphoid Tissue)
- GBALT (Gall Bladder Associated Lymphoid Tissue)
- AALT - (Aortic Associated Lymphoid Tissue)
- Histological studies on ‘M’ cells with regard to immunity & oral vaccination – Cause of failures
- AgNOR staining – Introduced a simple modified method, which can be used as a diagnostic tool in tumor/cancer.
- Published/presented more than 100 research papers in Histology, Histo-chemistry, and Immunology in Indian/foreign journals/conferences.
Contact Address
Flat No 8, Coral Block, New No 21,
Park Royale Apartments,
Kottivakam Kuppam Road,
Valmiki Nagar,
Chennai – 600 041.
Mobile : 91 98400 44198
Email : lalithaps@yahoo.com
Website: www.pslalitha.com |
Bharathi Raja Speciality Hospital
20, G.N.Chetty Road, T. Nagar, Chennai - 600 017. India |
34/7, Kottivakkam Kuppam Road
Thiruvanmyur, Chennai -600 041. India |